
Corey Wade

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Corey Wade, M.S. Mathematics, M.F.A. Writing & Consciousness, is the founder and director of Berkeley Coding Academy where he teaches Machine Learning and AI to teens from all over the world. Additionally, Corey chairs the Math Department at Berkeley Independent Study where he has received multiple grants to run after-school coding programs to help bridge the tech skills gap. Additional experiences include teaching Natural Language Processing with Hello World, developing Data Science curricula with Pathstream, and publishing statistics and machine learning models with Towards Data Science, Springboard, and Medium.

Books from Corey Wade

  1. The Python Workshop
    Cut through the noise and get real results with a step-by-step approach to learning Python 3.X programming
  2. Hands-On Gradient Boosting with XGBoost and scikit-learn
    Get to grips with building robust XGBoost models using Python and scikit-learn for deployment